E-ISSN: 2458-9101
War Experiences, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Sleep Disorders: Clinical Effectiveness of Treatment by Repeating Phrases of Positive Thoughts (TRPPT) of Mental-War Disorders in Syrian Refugees Children and Adolescents War Victims - A New Therapeutic Trial
Amani Kubitary, Muaweah Ahmad Alsaleh
Sleep and Hypnosis: A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopathology 2018;20(3):210-226
Background: War contributes to sleep disorders and posttraumatic stress disorder by war experiences. Theses mental and psychological troubles are a common symptom in children and adolescents during Wartime.

Aim: The objective of this study was the first to evaluate the effects of the method of Therapy by Repeating Phrases of Positive Thoughts (TRPPT) and Cognitive and Positive psychotherapy (CPPT) training during Wartime among children and adolescents in Syria. This study attempted to treat the evils of wars, which cause deep wounds and psychological scares because of their horrors.

Method: The sample consisted of 41 Syrian children and adolescents, aged 13 to 17 years. Results: 41 Syrian children and adolescents (experimental group) who benefited from TRPPT have the decreasingon Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Sleep Disorders (SD) and remember of War Experiences (WE). The results showed a significant decrease in PTSD in throughout the Therapy (p<0.05) and a significant reduction in SD following the TRPPT protocol (p<0.001), and also less Negative War Experiences (p<0.01).

Conclusions: States of mind and psychologic were improved after the TRPPT. Treatment by repeating phrases positive thoughts will be significant among children and adolescents refugees subjected to war or no. Cognitive and positive psychotherapy based on TRPPT have an impact positive on evils of wars, which cause Posttraumatic stress disorder, Sleep Disorders and Negatives War Experiences. There is a dose effect: the higher the level of activity of the CPPT and TRPPT, the lower the psychiatric disorder, and the better of the health.
Keywords: wartime, peacetime, behavioral and cognitive psychotherapy, cognitive psychology, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, positive psychology, research, practice, cognitive activity, Syria
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