E-ISSN: 2458-9101
Plyometric Training Effect on Lower Limb Biomechanical Parameters
Hossein Rostamkhany, Hojatolah Nikbakht, Heidar Sadeqi
Sleep and Hypnosis: A Journal of Clinical Neuroscience and Psychopathology 2018;20(3):166-173
Plyometric training can be reduced of injury potential and increase of athletes' motivation for participates in sport training. Those, the aim of this study was survey the effect of plyometric and whole body vibration combined training on lower limb biomechanical parameters in nonathletic male students. For this purpose, 40 Physical male students who were similar in terms of practical courses in Islamic Azad University of Karaj voluntarily chosen and in four categories: (1. Plyometric, 2. Vibration, 3. Combination and 4. Controls) were studied. Isokinetic Biodex system was used to assessment of lower extremity biomechanical variables before and after training period. The training period was six-week that at this time plyometric and vibration group run the selection of the mentioned training and combined group in each training session run plyometric as well as vibration training alternatively. After reviewing the data distribution normality with Kolmogorov - Smirnov and Levine test to homogenize variances, to describe the demographic characteristics of the subjects were tested using descriptive statistics. Data were analyzed using ANOVA with repeated measures (4 × 2), One-way ANOVA, t-test and Scheffe's post hoc in 16 version of SPSS software. Results showed that the effects of a plyometric, vibration and combination training of biomechanical variables of knee extensors and ankle plantar flexors were significant. But the effects of combined training in almost were higher all measured variables in this study. Combined training reduced the recovery time and easier the super compensation than plyometric training. It can be suggested that for optimum results, particularly in the explosive sports, combined training (plyometric and Vibration) is used.
Keywords: Lower extremity, vertical jump, plyometric training
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